The Interview
In English 001A, i am doing an interview on a police officer who i thought would know more about those who drink and drive, i thought id spice it up a bit with a lil sauce.
I met Jose through my mother. He was the man in blue, the man who protected us from danger. He was no superman that had inhumane power but he was there to help when someone was in need. This has always been Jose's dream, to save those from danger or from danger happening. Jose knew what he signed up for and knew things weren't always going to be very easy. I had my mom come over as I had him sit down and ask him some questions. He came over in a plain black shirt and denim jeans that looked like they been worn for quite some time and black shoes, they were dressy but not that type of dressy. He dressed very casual not too dressed and not under dressed, it was just right outfit to meet up with someone who would interview you
When Jose started his job as a sheriff he understood the pros and cons of his job but its what he wanted to do, he focused more on the pros and he enjoys how the job is always something different but the main focus I wanted to talk about with him was his thought on drunk drivers and what he experienced. What Jose thinks about drunk drivers is how foolish they can be since they are under the influence and those drunk tend to cause a lot of trouble like being aggressive which is the worst because he doesn’t want to have them being in any trouble then they should be but he says “My job isn't to feel any pity for people, my job is to keep people safe without them causing anymore trouble or harm to others.” which I couldn’t agree anymore since they shouldn’t even be on the road drunk in the first place, I believe those under the influence are very selfish.
The more I got to talking with him the more I learned about him and the consequences on drinking and driving. As he was describing the story the room felt dark and cold as I felt the shiver down my spine over the thought of families losing their loved ones for someone who did an act of drunk driving for their own selfish reasons. The further we got into talking about his stories, his mood began to change, he grew from being enthusiastic to a more serious tone. “The things I've seen were unbelievable” I got to thinking and as he kept going about all these tragedies I started to feel for more and more for these families. “Is as if\people don’t necessarily value life for the reason that they are willing to trade someones life for alcohol, as an officer I get to deal with these cases and more times then I would like and its funny how people underestimate driving under the influence that if they really knew how gruesome a tragedy like that can be, In a wisp of a second someones entire life is gone!” I was honestly astonished of what he had told me, and it made me realize how precious life is and how much we take it for granted all for a drink that could potentially destroy not only your life but for the victims families.
What Jose told me was that there are more to life than a drink and a moment of fun. I get it we all make mistakes and want to have fun but we need to think about the outcome and think about the what ifs. Drinking in general is not a bad thing and we can use it every-now and then but its up to us to be responsible, think ahead of time and theres a lot of ways to be safe and drink. For example, get a designated driver, plan and spend the night somewhere safe or even get an Uber the list goes on. The problem isn’t the alcohol it’s the actions we choose to take after were under the influence.
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