Thursday, November 16, 2017



   I was fifteen years old during my sophomore year when I headed to a bumpy road. I had gotten suspended and lost what I love the most. It all began in mid-October where leaves would fall and kiss the floor. A cloudy Friday with bipolar weather where it was freezing in the morning but hot like the sun during the afternoon. Life was good to me until I got a class with the most obnoxious girls ever. These are the type of girls where you can smell the smoke coming from your ears as you turn red due to irritation. These girls were very toxic, the type that always had something rude to say. I guess you can say they tried acting cool or they just had no heart at all. However, the cruel things the two girls would do to me was make fun me and just say things to make me look bad. Although none of those things ever hurt me, it was embarrassing. It all got to a point where I had enough with those girls and finally put my foot down and stood up for myself but that’s when things went downhill: this is how I lost everything.

   The way my life went downhill was when I stood up for myself but not in the right way. There were ways I could have avoided this unwanted situation. The way I stood up for myself was by telling the two girls cruel words, it was like the rage I get when I’m losing in a match of call of duty, where I’m so furious because I am the one being defeated with a poor connection. The sound of anger in my voice, how I told these girls what they basically wanted to hear, the fright in their eyes was priceless but that all changed when I was the one who got sent to the office due to my foul words. It never made sense to me, how I was the one who was being punished after all this time they called me foul names. Apparently, it was all because the teacher only heard me and never them. How is it the one time I stand up for myself and say something, I’m the one to blame when they been doing it all along. The whole situation was all on me as if I was the bully, there was no proof that they were the ones who bullied me. It was two vs one plus a witness so of course, I’m the one who had to be punished.

   It was game day, the sound of the cheerleaders cheering and getting the crowd to cheer along and to carry that spirit hoping our football team takes that win. In fact, that was supposed to be me out there, to have spirit, to make the crowd go wild for their team but instead I was at home due to the fact I got suspended. I got kicked out of the cheer team which was very devastating for me but that wasn’t all that damaged me. Cheer was everything to me, it was my escape to happiness. Cheer helped me become a better student minus that Friday afternoon. The one thing that damaged me the most was that my mother couldn’t see the good in me after that day. My mother and I were close. I was an innocent child, the type that wouldn’t follow the footsteps of my siblings. I was nothing like my siblings but after that day it’s like I was worse. My mother couldn’t even look at me. The sound of disappointment in her voice was like a knife to my heart, it pained me. I would lock myself in my room where it was sad and gloomy. This all lead to a depression where I wanted to give up. I failed all my classes that year, I never wanted to talk to anyone or explain how I felt. After my five-day suspension, I ended up switching my class. The teacher would always show videos about bullying as if I didn’t know that pain; they would make jokes about it so I couldn’t stand it and switched to a different class to stay away from trouble.

   Now that I think of it there were so many ways I could have prevented that situation. Although I wasn’t really at fault, there was still other options I could have used. For example, I could have told an adult about it, kept on ignoring them or even switched my class. I should have been an adult about it but instead I did what I’m sure of what they wanted me to do and what they wanted to happen. The way I got rid of my depression was by playing video games, it always took my mind off things and the people I play online with are absolutely the greatest. I should have known better than to say foul words, otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten in that situation. I learned my lesson, I got back into cheer leading that next year and remained happy. My life is back to normal of how it was, happy. I now have that strong connection with my mother, I’m no longer in cheer leading because I only did that when I was in high school but I truly do miss the sport.

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