Monday, December 7, 2020

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


This post is about the worst thing that happened in my life and how i've overcome that pain and became stronger as a person.

Compare and Contrast

On this page i compared and contrast Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama on how they are similar as leaders and what they done good in their lives also, their differences.

Tell me about it

Tell me about it is about what is going on in the picture? where was this picture? and who is this person?

Martin Luther King: Man of Peace

In this post i wrote about Martin Luther King and who he is as a person and what good he did or what he tried to do best for this world.


In this post i wrote about hope and how Martin Luther King had hope in this world about peace.

Etta James

In this post i wrote about Etta James and her song At Last, i compared this to a book called "Motorcycle On The Sea of Tranquility," by Patricia Santana 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Introduction to Community Profile: The Man in Blue

 The Man in Blue  
Today folks i will talk about the man in blue, the man who knows it all and whats to expect from those creating danger, i will talk about how he does what he does and the kind of man he is.
Jose, the man in blue. The guy who stops crime before there is crime. Jose is the kind of guy we rely on when we feel in danger or when we are in danger. His job is very tedious since he is basically putting his life on the line since so many things could happen when you're a cop. One of the things about what he does is stopping drunk drivers, and how dangerous it can get because some people are aggressive when under the influence, this means Jose must be very cautious when dealing with those under the influence. Jose works days and nights and finds the job very difficult when it comes to do dangerous duties or how dangerous it can be since people are fighting against cops. Overall Jose loves and enjoys his job being a police officer since it's his passion to stop crime and those in danger, to know people can rely on him and to feel safe. Jose thoughts on drunk drivers is how irresponsible people can be since they are putting innocent people lives in danger, Jose takes his job very seriously and wouldn’t want the worst for someone especially if that means someone doing a foolish act. The worst people are the ones who are aggressive since they try to fight the officer or Jose and he doesn’t want to fight the person but solve it in the calmest way ever. His last thoughts are that he's happy that people are able to have fun, but they shouldn’t take that fun on the road when they are under the influence because it won't be fun having to know someone has to plan a funeral for their lost loved ones.

Community Profile: The Interview

The Interview  
In English 001A, i am doing an interview on a police officer who i thought would know more about those who drink and drive, i thought id spice it up a bit with a lil sauce.
I met Jose through my mother. He was the man in blue, the man who protected us from danger. He was no superman that had inhumane power but he was there to help when someone was in need. This has always been Jose's dream, to save those from danger or from danger happening. Jose knew what he signed up for and knew things weren't always going to be very easy. I had my mom come over as I had him sit down and ask him some questions. He came over in a plain black shirt and denim jeans that looked like they been worn for quite some time and black shoes, they were dressy but not that type of dressy. He dressed very casual not too dressed and not under dressed, it was just right outfit to meet up with someone who would interview you 
When Jose started his job as a sheriff he understood the pros and cons of his job but its what he wanted to do, he focused more on the pros and he enjoys how the job is always something different but the main focus I wanted to talk about with him was his thought on drunk drivers and what he experienced. What Jose thinks about drunk drivers is how foolish they can be since they are under the influence and those drunk tend to cause a lot of trouble like being aggressive which is the worst because he doesn’t want to have them being in any trouble then they should be but he says “My job isn't to feel any pity for people, my job is to keep people safe without them causing anymore trouble or harm to others.” which I couldn’t agree anymore since they shouldn’t even be on the road drunk in the first place, I believe those under the influence are very selfish.  
The more I got to talking with him the more I learned about him and the consequences on drinking and driving. As he was describing the story the room felt dark and cold as I felt the shiver down my spine over the thought of families losing their loved ones for someone who did an act of drunk driving for their own selfish reasons. The further we got into talking about his stories, his mood began to change, he grew from being enthusiastic to a more serious tone. “The things I've seen were unbelievable” I got to thinking and as he kept going about all these tragedies I started to feel for more and more for these families. “Is as if\people don’t necessarily value life for the reason that they are willing to trade someones life for alcohol, as an officer I get to deal with these cases and more times then I would like and its funny how people underestimate driving under the influence that if they really knew how gruesome a tragedy like that can be, In a wisp of a second someones entire life is gone!”  I was honestly astonished of what he had told me, and it made me realize how precious life is and how much we take it for granted all for a drink that could potentially destroy not only your life but for the victims families.  
What Jose told me was that there are more to life than a drink and a moment of fun. I get it we all make mistakes and want to have fun but we need to think about the outcome and think about the what ifs. Drinking in general is not a bad thing and we can use it every-now and then but its up to us to be responsible, think ahead of time and theres a lot of ways to be safe and drink. For example, get a designated driver, plan and spend the night somewhere safe or even get an Uber the list goes on. The problem isn’t the alcohol it’s the actions we choose to take after were under the influence. 

Community Profile: Research Strategy

 Will You Live or Die 
In English 001A, i am learning to do a research proposal where i talk about why i picked my topic and what i know about it, the many new things i learned, research questions, and research strategies.

I selected my topic about drunk drivers because it makes me wonder, why do people do it when they know there's a possibility that something may or may not go wrong? This topic seemed to interest me because I wanted to get into detail of the stories and experience that others had to say or how they felt, then if they even feel any guilt at all. This is what I know: those driving under the influence will not only go to jail but if they end up killing someone, they will be under vehicular homicide for THE REST OF THEIR LIFE! Which I doubt anyone would want. As I interviewed a Police Officer, I was told the most gruesome stories and the stuff he had to witness was just chilling. I hope dearly that my reader knows better than to drive under the influence and to always think before they do. 

I) What I Know Driving
 under the influence is not only dangerous but is in fact dangerous to others. I know this (as I'm sure others do) because I always hear stories of those drinking and driving and how some never make it to their family. Some people are likely to, but they are injured and those who were maimed say they wish they were dead instead which is very heart wrenching to hear. I wanted to hear stories from a good ole friend who's a police officer because he's one to know stories and has to deal with these drunk drivers to prevent something bad from happening which is why came and questioned him.

Officer Jose is possibly one we should thank because he does his best to prevent these horrifying accidents from happening and from people losing a loved one. Jose been an officer for some time and is proud for what he does because he stops people from doing something they're not supposed to and prevents most things from happening. Jose knows he can't save everyone and everything, just as a doctor can't but it’s the fact that he does his best is what matter and that’s what makes him proud. Jose deals with drunk drivers all the time and always on the weekends and holidays, that’s where he catches people from left to right. He believes that there should be no telling when there's a DUI stop, it's cool that they're helping people out, or so think. If anything, people are making it worse for other drivers, it's better to get a ticket than to kill someone's family son or daughter or themselves.

II) What I Learn 
How do you prevent someone from driving under the influence? Before anyone goes out and knows that they’ll be drinking should always think about how they're going to get home. There are many ways such as, to be dropped off and picked up, have a designated driver, spend a night at the persons place, call up a taxi, Uber or lyft. This doesn’t mean you can't drink, nor does it mean you can't have fun if you're not drunk. There's always a way to not drive under the influence so you won't get a ticket and a night in jail and so you won't harm a family. 

III) Research questions: 
1. Why do people drive under the influence knowing its bad?
 2. How do I know someone is drinking and driving? 
3. How do people get addicted to alcohol? 
4. What make it okay for people to drink and drive?
5. How do drunk drivers affect others? 
6. Do people not think of others when driving under the influence? 

III) Three primary questions:
 1.How bad is it dealing with drunk drivers? 
2.What are the consequences of driving under the influence?
 3.Who do I call if someone is suggesting driving while being drunk? how do I stop them from doing so? 

IIIII) My Research Strategy:
I used Proquest to search for any news about driving under the influence and how many people suffer each year from it which are more than millions of people. I also learn that there are one third of road accidents that involve alcohol. Theses websites included amazing information about my topic and made me more exhilarated to write about it and hope that it helped my readers understanding how it's not safe to drive under the influence and to help others prevent it from happening. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Community Profile: Cause and Effect

Community profile: Cause and effect 
In the article “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” describes the problem of how there are many road kills and how one-third are alcohol related. What author Addis Abada suggest we do about the problem of drunk driver; we should punish them like those who purposely kill someone. What Addis means by this is that those who kill we punish them by locking them up, but those who are drunk, and kill aren't punished as they should, the author suggest we do something about drunk drivers before anyone is injured. No one should drink and drive to begin with because they know it's illegal and could possibly harm or kill someone. It's very devastating when the innocent one has to suffer what the drunk driver did. I believe we should do something about it now before any more accidents happen. Also, I dislike how people and the maps show when there's a checkpoint, I believe all those who drive under the influence should get caught since someone can get injured. "someone who does an act knowing it is likely to cause death is just as blameworthy as someone who did the act intending to cause death.” I agree with this quote because in the end, both killed someone except one doesn’t do the time as both situations did the crime which is clearly unfair to the victim and their family, during both situations I'm sure they know it's wrong and isn't right. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Community Profile: Quote Sandwich

Quote Sandwich-The Life of Sonia
            In English 001A, we are learning to insert quote sandwiches into our research paper. Below is a quote sandwich that i wrote about with a little razzle dazzle from a group discussion on "The COD College Experience." The picture inserted is my classmate Sonia who interviewed, she is quite the gal and i see her going places.
Sonia is a on and off student. She is from Salton City. Sonia's first class ever was Menu Planning where it teaches you how to construct a menu and how to price the item in the menu. She took this class to help prepare her for her major which is business. Sonia chose this major because ever since she was twelve years old, her dream was to run her own business which involved opening her very own café. Her dream wasn’t always to run a café but a bakery, the reason that is, is because she loves baking but she admits, “it'll involve a lot of my time and having to cook so many goodies like cakes and having to decorate.” she stopped this dream for quite some time and focused more on working but after two to three year she decided to give college another try and to try and pursue her dream. Sonia chose College of the Desert because she believed it was cheap and wanted to stay close to familyshe can't imagine herself transferring but if she did, she would transfer to Brigham Young University in Idaho.  

Monday, February 25, 2019

Bee Tattoo

Bee Tattoo 
    A bee is a small creature that can make a large contribution globally. A bee is a very important insect in our life, without bees we’d lose most of our plants and crops. Cross-pollination helps 30 percent of the world's crops and 90 percent of our wild plants to thrive. Bees are one of the main reasons were alive today since they produce most of our crops, we eat today. This bee tattoo is located on the girl's bicep on her right arm where the black and yellow bee looks as if it's about to land on a flower taking its sweet tasting nectar. I chose this tattoo because it has a lot of meaning to me which reminds me of my grandpa. The reason that is, is because he told me to never fear a bumble bee for, they are special type of creatures that help us survive in this world, without them many plants we rely on for food would die off. My grandpa always reminded me how they are our friends because they help us survive. When a bee lands on you it's because it gathers sun, warmth and moisture. 
There is no saying or words but a creature, an insect on the wearer of this tattoo. To me when I see the insect, I see happiness and a savior other may see an aggressive and useless insect but there's way much more to a bee than what people think, what people mainly fear from a bee is to get stung like lighting being struck; I don’t fear that. When people see the tattoo, they most likely will think the person who got the tattoo has love for the creature or question “why a bee?”. The first thing they’ll see is a bee flying, some may think it looks like it's going to sting the girl on her arm getting the taste of pain, and some may think the bee is flying or about to land on a delicate little flower like a bee. Something they are going to miss is how bees mean more than just a creature that gives us honey or a creature that just stings people for no apparent reason, they miss the part where bees give us more than honey, they give us plants and food. Bees don’t sting people just to die in the end, they do it to protect their hive or fear they are under attack; wasp are creatures we should be more afraid of. I think people should step into the footsteps of others before harming or judging them. Someone today who would get a tattoo would want it to have a lot of meaning and bees are very meaningful since they are our key to survival. If it were up to me, I would get this tattoo since they remind me of happiness and make flowers happy by keeping them alive by pollinating them.