Monday, March 25, 2019

Community Profile: Cause and Effect

Community profile: Cause and effect 
In the article “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” describes the problem of how there are many road kills and how one-third are alcohol related. What author Addis Abada suggest we do about the problem of drunk driver; we should punish them like those who purposely kill someone. What Addis means by this is that those who kill we punish them by locking them up, but those who are drunk, and kill aren't punished as they should, the author suggest we do something about drunk drivers before anyone is injured. No one should drink and drive to begin with because they know it's illegal and could possibly harm or kill someone. It's very devastating when the innocent one has to suffer what the drunk driver did. I believe we should do something about it now before any more accidents happen. Also, I dislike how people and the maps show when there's a checkpoint, I believe all those who drive under the influence should get caught since someone can get injured. "someone who does an act knowing it is likely to cause death is just as blameworthy as someone who did the act intending to cause death.” I agree with this quote because in the end, both killed someone except one doesn’t do the time as both situations did the crime which is clearly unfair to the victim and their family, during both situations I'm sure they know it's wrong and isn't right. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Community Profile: Quote Sandwich

Quote Sandwich-The Life of Sonia
            In English 001A, we are learning to insert quote sandwiches into our research paper. Below is a quote sandwich that i wrote about with a little razzle dazzle from a group discussion on "The COD College Experience." The picture inserted is my classmate Sonia who interviewed, she is quite the gal and i see her going places.
Sonia is a on and off student. She is from Salton City. Sonia's first class ever was Menu Planning where it teaches you how to construct a menu and how to price the item in the menu. She took this class to help prepare her for her major which is business. Sonia chose this major because ever since she was twelve years old, her dream was to run her own business which involved opening her very own café. Her dream wasn’t always to run a café but a bakery, the reason that is, is because she loves baking but she admits, “it'll involve a lot of my time and having to cook so many goodies like cakes and having to decorate.” she stopped this dream for quite some time and focused more on working but after two to three year she decided to give college another try and to try and pursue her dream. Sonia chose College of the Desert because she believed it was cheap and wanted to stay close to familyshe can't imagine herself transferring but if she did, she would transfer to Brigham Young University in Idaho.